Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I watched the sun go down in Nelson on Sunday evening after a wonderful morning at church and then lunch with the pastor and his wife and young family and lovely friends. It was a good day. I ate dandelions in my salad along with some other random flowers and leaves from the garden. That was a first! I have about a zillion photos of this sunset in different phases and decided to spare you the multiple angles and stages of it. I thought this was a good one.

If you didn’t know before how much I love rainbows you can know that now….this was just a part of the Queen Charlotte Track and it was wonderful because just as I was thinking about some difficult things….I turned a corner and there was this BEAUTIFUL rainbow completing a gorgeous view. It made me smile. I thought of the hope it symbolizes. It made me happy.

I have no idea how or why this old van got here...it was along the Queen Charlotte Track - a 75 km walk that took 3 days. There are no roads...only this track through the dense rainforest. Aboat drops you off at the end of the track at the end of Queen Charlotte Sound and then you walk your way back towards civilisation ... or at least, a jetty, and from there a boat taxi collects you again. The places you stay over along the way get their supplies in by boat...so where did this 'electricians van' come from?!


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